Friday, July 29, 2011


Apparently the surgeon is the boss. He pulled some strings, and surgery is Monday, August 22nd. WHOA!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Surgery OCTOBER 6th.

10 weeks, 2 days.

Who was trying to schedule a month ago knowing that the surgeon is only in the OR once a month for this long of a block (and I could have even told you it was the first Thursday, seriously)? Oh, that was me. So the only chance to get him in is a cancellation on September 1st.

Disappointed doesn't even BEGIN.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Wild and wacky weekend!

So, lesson learned this weekend. Micah's not exactly keen on sharing. :) We had a good time Friday night with our extended family that came from Kansas for my cousin Tara's wedding. Everybody got all fancied up for the big day. (Pics here: ) I can't believe my baby cousin is all grown up and married! She had such a wonderful wedding and reception... and it was great to see an old friend at the wedding!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I'm going nuts!

Alright, I'm going a little nuts here. Most of you are probably thinking, yeah... what's new?! We are under the impression there's supposed to be big surgery in what I'd consider the near future (6-12 weeks). Now, I've not heard this officially of course. I'm getting so anxious not being able to plan anything in a pretty large amount of time. (mid august-oh, first of October).
You know, his birthday party (which is in 6 weeks!)... minor details. It feels like this is pretty much the way things go when you have a special needs kid.
Well, we had half an evaluation yesterday with a new speech therapist, before deciding she wasn't the one for us. She was sweet as sugar and extremely helpful. She thought the best path was through Lutheran Hospital. We may end up with double therapy between speech and a feeding clinic. A feeding clinic? Sounds like something we could use! No promises we can pull this off with insurance. So, we'll wait for a phone call.

Oh, and P.S. He decided out of the blue he's going to eat and drink by himself.

Enjoy life like you've never imagined, Austin. :)