Saturday, July 19, 2014

Oh, it's just been a little while.

I'm a lazy blogger, I admit it.  Time flies!  We have been pretty busy this summer... Visiting lots of zoos!  We've been to Columbus, Toledo, Fort Wayne and South Bend.  Kyleigh got his hearing aid in early June and has been doing really well with it.  He has started talking more since he got it.  He now tries to say 'grandma, grandpa, amber, mandy, home', etc.  It's exciting. He must be trying to keep up with his sister... who is a sassy little chatterbox.  Some of her funny things include "Hi! How you?" "I want some" "Micah, come here!" and many, many others.  She's already started bossing him around and she's not even two. It's crazy! She sure acts like she's two... the fits are crazy already!