Thursday, December 10, 2009

A mixed bag..

The news was mixed.. First, Micah did well with going under and the procedure (the anesthesia and procedure took a half hour total). The doctor said the malformation has grown in his airway, but that it's not terrible (that he's seen a lot worse). They are going to start working on the mass on the inside and outside at 6-7 months likely. We are coming back in 4-5 weeks to meet with a team of doctors on what to do next. The good news is that his airway is stable and the trach isn't entirely necessary from an ENT perspective. We can't say whether or not it's necessary for protecting his airway, but the malformation isn't blocking his ability to breathe in a significant way.

The doctor commented multiple times on how cute he is.. we agree :)


  1. So, for the most part, you had kinda good news and kinda good, is it not? We're thinking of you all....bundle that kid up!

  2. Well we all know that he is the cutest baby! Maybe the news wasn't wonderful, but at least it wasn't really bad. :) And it sounds like you've got a really good team in Cincy working to help him. Hope you have a good trip home. Joni

  3. Hey we all know that he is the most wonderful little boy ever born!!!! And also the VERY CUTEST!! Do you think we would diagree?
