Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Finishing up...

Sorry it took so long to finish up.... But really, there's not too much more to say. The mass in his airway is going to be lasered out, step by step. Unfortunately, they found some mass that is on the back side of his esophagus, pushing on it. That may or may not be affecting his ability to swallow. We're waiting to figure out what they want to do with that (there's no protocol, uh oh...) to schedule his next trip down. Ideally, they're looking at early April, but that doesn't seem like it's going to happen.
The great news is that his dye tests have gone well so far. Once (or if, I suppose) he passes 7 days, we can start with rice cereal!!! He's passed 5 so far... Oh, the anticipation is killing me! Who would have thought we would have had this much turn around so fast. Of course, all our progress could be taken away at any time, but we're trying not to think of it that way.

Here's some of the fun we had in the last few weeks...Here's our germ-o-phobic travel around the hospital. A family with a baby even younger than Micah saw us and commented "Now they know how to do the hospital!" They asked if we had a spare with us :) Unfortunately, we didn't.

So this is Micah chilling at the Ronald McDonald house. He was getting changed, I promise I know how to put a diaper on a child. We decided we should probably slap the diaper back on before taking the video. And for any of you trach mama's (or Cincy friends) out there, we were doing his care around his trach, I promise he wears his HME all the time otherwise.

We bought Micah a smaller stroller, but he's not big enough for it yet. Apparently, it was a terrifying experience. Here's proof.It probably makes me an awful mother, but I was laughing hysterically when it happened. And I'm still laughing. Oh, what a funny kid. If that isn't terror....

And last but not least.... Super Micah! If you need a laugh, here you are.


  1. I think this is one of my favorite posts! I love the movies!....he's moving so much more than last time we saw him! And I couldn't stop laughing about the last picture too! Looks like he's holding on for his life!

    Thanks for keeping us up to date! Love you guys!

    Your cousin Eric (Steinman)

  2. OF ALL THE PICTURES AND OTHER THINGS THIS A PICTURE OF 'PLEASE GET ME OUT!!!' I think is the cutest one around,of course I might be predjuiced!

  3. Thanks for the videos! Super Micah!!
    Andrew Kauffman
