Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This time has been different.

Well, the good news is that this pregnancy has been very different than with Micah.

That's very good news.

By this point with Micah, I'd been on bed rest for 3 weeks, and in the hospital for a week. Here's the view from 3 years ago.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Nothing new...

Well, it's Friday. It's good people remind me, or else I might forget. Hopefully lots of the youth are having fun at movie night tonight.
Not much new to report today. They tried me on a third medicine to stop the contractions. So far, it doesn't seem to be doing anything. The good news is that the contractions aren't changing anything, and they don't seem to be getting any worse.
Kudos to anyone who has been in the hospital for more than a few days... It's driving me crazy. Thankfully I have a wonderful hubby that is taking good care of me.
Pray specifically that Micah doesn't come over the weekend... It's just not a good/easy time in hospital-land to make something happen (like his complicated delivery). The maternal-fetal doctor is pretty pleased that nothing has changed. I'm trying to keep it that way (as if I had a choice, right).
Have a good weekend... God bless
(P.S. The ultrasound on Monday showed that Micah has hair! I forgot to mention that! He must take after his daddy).

My, how different.  This time i've got to actually function in reality and i've got the nearly 3 year old that's exhausting me... And apparently, the lesson of the day is that the 8 month mark is probably when i should stop wearing flip flops.... Owwwwie!  Not that it'll probably stop me. Rumor has it I'm pretty stubborn.


  1. I think my poor feet could only fit into flip flops by that point in pregnancy! So thankful that things are going well with you and baby! :)

    1. Yeah, when i put on a "real" pair of shoes (ballet flats, LOL) i was a little surprised. Oh well, flip flops are great!

  2. Hmmm...I wonder where the stubborn rumor started ;) So glad you've been able to enjoy this pregnancy from the upright and standing position. We all can't wait to meet M's little sister.

    Love you, Aunt Joni

    PS I'd have given the flip-flops up months ago -- oh my aching feet!
