Monday, January 28, 2013

The Super-Awesome Micah Post

Micah has had some great gains the last few months... I hate to say it, and jinx it! 

His feeding therapy has been steadily progressing. He can eat more at a time (2-3 ounces, occasionally 4)... But almost more importantly, he's able to eat a wider variety of things. It used to be any texture would totally turn him off.  He's tolerating some textures now (not chunks, that's a different animal) which is great!  He even has had success once with mixed textures.... Milk and cereal!  He's been much more eager to drink as well.  Probably not more successful, but still, he's ASKING for drinks!  Woohoo!  We think the peer pressure from school is helping.

Micah is being more cooperative in speech therapy.  After about 4 months.... LOL!  He loves the 'receptive' part of therapy, where he picks the card the therapist asks for. He'd gladly do that for quite some time.  I don't worry too much about his receptive language, although he's tested poorly in the past.  He's had a few times of producing a nice variety of vowel sounds, more than the usual "AH".  They're not spot on by any means, but its progress.  He's doing a lot better with speaking when asked which is a huge struggle for him. 

If all goes according to plan, he's going to 'graduate' hospital based physical therapy soon!  He's made a lot of progress in a very short amount of time. Woohoo!

He has a grand total of 5-6 hours of therapy a week, that's more time than he spends at preschool!  We are glad that we are seeing progress.


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