Friday, January 13, 2012

The cold that never ends...

Things have been going alright over here. Personally, i'm not real enthusiastic about the snow, but it's what you get (and at least it waited this long!)
Micah has been battling a cold for almost a month now! Everytime he gets a little better, he seems to catch another bug and go downhill. Might need to have a hiatus from his therapy at the hospital so he can stop catching every bug in town! Other than that, the poor guy hasn't been out that much since his surgery. We go to Cincinnati at the end of the month to see ENT and oral/maxillofacial surgery. if i had to guess that means we'll probably return shortly after to get whatever imaging the surgeon might want. Hopefully after that we won't have to go down much until the weather improves!
Despite M's cold, he hasn't slowed down much. Never does, does he?

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