Micah's skill of the week is rollin! I can't keep up with him! I walked out of the room for just a minute, and he'd rolled multiple times in one direction, and reached into a basket and pulled out a picture! He was just staring at it, like "What? I'm just trying to make sure you're not holding out on me!"
He loves to just "chill" (as in the first picture). If he can kick his feet up on something, he will!
And also, why is it that kids want what they're not supposed to have? I can surround Micah with toys, but nothing is more exciting than his feeding tube. He'll hold it up to his face and stare at it for hours if I would let him! Kids will be kids!
I'm glad that I'm finally somewhat back in the loop. Micah and I are going to church pretty regularly.
Would you pray that Micah isn't getting sick? I'm starting to wonder... And of course, he always pulls stunts like that over the weekend!