Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just another update...

We're plugging along. We went to Cincy yesterday and finally got his drain out. It had been in for 6? (can't even remember) weeks! His skin seems to be closing up nicely. We went for bloodwork and a check up, basically.
Other than that, we enjoyed Mother's Day at my moms house with the family. We're also planning on going to the zoo this Saturday, yay! Someday I'll get pics up, they just can't seem to get off my camera!

Update on the update :)

So, we have almost all the bloodwork back (thank goodness for Cincinnati's new online feature!)
Overall, the verdict is mixed. His IGG (immune related) is back up where it should be after the IV he had two weeks ago. This is to be expected, as the IV is supposed to work for at least 3-4 weeks. BUT (and there's always a but, it seems) his cholesterol is just getting further and further out of the realm of normal. We didn't have a baseline before the meds unfortunately, but even after 1 week of meds it was high (203) and now, after a month it is 232. I just hope it stops rising because we've hit the right amount of the drug in his system. His LDL cholesterol and trigylcerides are increasing steadily as well. I hate this, because I've been told there's nothing on my end that I can do. Even so, I'm trying more of his blended diet, hoping his body can deal with that better than the pediasure.

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