Friday, May 6, 2011

Such a big difference

We spent about 4 or 5 hours yesterday afternoon in the ped's office and Lutheran. We got some of his bloodwork back (they talked to Travis, not me). Now, here's the difference between us.
The note he wrote on the fridge said: Immune system stuff low, hematocrit low, anemic. Now, to me, that's about 1/10th the story. I'm a numbers girl and it's taken all I've got within me not to call back and get the whole story.
At the hospital they ran bloodwork and gave him an IV antibiotic. Poor kid just keeps getting stuck. So not fair. The IV antibiotic kicked whatever he has, at least for the time being. He's getting put on another one this evening (that's 3 antibiotics in the last two days!).
This was our week: Sunday afternoon, drive to Cincy. Monday, Hospital from 830 to 4. Drive home. Tuesday: Ped's office. Thursday:Peds office and Lutheran. Today, I just have to pick up a prescripton. Easy enough.
Well, he's screaming so I should probably go.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Brittanny, again, we don't know each other, but I know your father. My heart aches for you, because my daughter was born 12/4/09, so our kiddos are close in age and I simply can't tell you how my heart aches for you. I am in tears and on my knees praying for YOU. Micah is SO blessed to have such a loving momma and team of professionals taking the best care of him possible. Words just can't express...

    much love and many continued blessings on you and your spunky boy,
    Nicole Wallick
