Thursday, February 2, 2012

Been awhile...

So, (aw man, Micah is getting up as i start to type this...) So, the short story... We had a video swallow study today. it's a test to see the process of swallowing by doing x-rays while eating or drinking things w/ barium. Gross. Believe it or not, he's not a fan. He's had one done before, when he was much younger (11 months, maybe? won't lie, it all blurs) And guess what, all these months later he's doing the same thing he was then. Not aspirating (food/liquid ending up in his airway, very bad thing). But, his swallowing is very strange. He has the tiniest little swallows... basically milliliters at a time. He has a phenomena where he starts to swallow and can bring it up again.. WHAT? You could see it go part way down, then up. So strange. The speech therapist said he was more control than any adult or child she's seen. The whole room was baffled. Leave it to Micah, the entertainer.
We'll have an mri soon, the date is not set yet. He's also going to the OR the day after the mri to let the oral max surgeon see what's going on and hopefully for the interventional radiologist to do some sclerotherapy if the mri warrants it's possible.
Oh, life isn't dull.

1 comment:

  1. I figure that since his body knows it can't control much, and swallowing is one area where his body has found that it can control, so it does.

    Aunt Joni
