Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Don't forget the pack and play.

Ah, darn.

We always forget something. This time, a place for the child to sleep. This will be a looong night, because he's literally never slept in anything besides a crib or pack and play. We've rigged a sleeper sofa against a wall, and put a cushion on the end of the bed so he can't slide down. i'll "sleep" on the other side so he doesn't roll out. Pic to come.

His mri went super fantastically today. Only a half hour behind schedule (which is pretty good i've learned), and he did great, and came out of anesthesia really easy. This is SOOOOO not the normal case. We do the "he's a total grouch, needs held, needs 02, call us right away" speech, but not so this time. He was up immediately, before he even got to recovery. He was happy in about 10 minutes even giving the tech a high five on the way out.

When we got to the hotel, he was literally bouncing up and down. Wild! We went out for dinner where the funniest, most embarrasing thing that's happened to me in a LONG while happened.. They put his high chair at the end of the table in a very narrow aisle (apparently that's the only type they have at applebees!) The nice waiter man was facing the other table, getting their order. When i loo over, Micah's got his hand on the waiter's behind. Right, square on his behind. WHOA! Oh man, i laughed til i cried. i was probably 7 shades of red. The waiter didn't miss a beat, and never mentioned it, probably because i was already dying laughing.

Life's never dull, is it?

Tomorrow we head to the OR, for... we're not sure. The plan is to scope him and have the oral surgeon examine him, and pending the mri, do some sclero. if no sclero, we shouldn't have to stay. if sclero, we'll be there overnight. So strange not to have a plan, but there's no other way!

Now, if only Micah would go to sleep. That anesthesia was too good to him, apparently!


  1. That was a good laugh! He's a smooth kid. Glad to hear it went smooth with the MRI.

  2. What a long day but everything went well so that's great! Happy to hear Micah's MRI went well and he was happy soon after! Hope you guys get a good night sleep and ready for tomorrow. Will be thinking and praying for Micah! Love Micah!

  3. Gotta love that kid! Why does he need to
    sleep he knows he will get a long nap on Thur.
    He's ready to party! Give him a kiss from
    Grandma and Grandpa. Love you guys! Praying everyone has a smooth night and day on Thur.

  4. Hope you were able to get some sleep last night. Praying all goes well today. Aunt Joni
