Thursday, September 29, 2011

Not a post to read with your morning bowl of oatmeal.

Sorry for the lack of updates. Our freshly installed internet decided to stop working, and so far, 6 days later, Century Link has failed to fix it.

We went to Cincinnati Friday, they cut open two slits on his face, drained the fluid (estimated about 6-7 ounces), and put in a drain above his ear. Now, I'm not a fan of drains in general, but this is the worst kind. It looks like they put a straw in his skin, and stitched it in place. It doesn't empty into anything (so all over his hair)... It's so open it could catch flies. (It's covered, don't worry). Talk about infection risk, yuck. (As long as it's covered it should be fine, but still).

The good news is Micah was somewhat of an immune system at the moment. His white blood cells are decent (they're never good), and his IGG should be up still. We've made two trips out, one for pizza with some of our youth and one to do some visiting in Warsaw. Both good times, and he's not even sick yet! He's off the rapamycin due to the strange things it was doing to his body, although I'm sure we'll start it again soon. Boo! So, one infection risk of 4... That's the best we've done since oh... March?

We go back to Cincinnati Monday. I'm pretty tired of these visits, won't even lie. Should be quick and easy, although it's not til 5:30, so it'll be a late drive back.

Micah's doing well though, so no complaints.

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