Sunday, December 4, 2011

A PG-13 Post, parents.

Feeding therapy is H-E-you-know-what. Dante must have reserved a special level of you-know-what for this. If you have kids, you remember those days where everything was "no" and was thrown or pushed away everytime? That's about everyday in my house.
I don't think I can find something that makes me want to jump off a cliff more than feeding my own kid. It's AWFUL. EVERYDAY. On the best days lately you'll get 5 bites... Of barbeque sauce. Dinner tonight was PUDDING. CHOCOLATE PUDDING. NOTHING.
Lately he's been spitting out (for lack of a better term) what he's drinking sometimes. My heavens, that's so irritating I could scream. He doesn't mean to, but ughhh.....

Here's what some other trach/g-tube moms said about feeding:
"I am constantly telling my friends that I would rather Harrison be g-tube free than trachless Obviously, if I really had a choice, I would take getting rid of the trach bc of the potential for long term damage, but as far as my patience goes, the g-tube drives me crazy. We have taken such gigantic steps backwards in the eating department, and most times I try practicing with harrison, we both end up in tears. "

"We were there for a loooong time. And it sucks. It sucks worse than the trach, worse than carrying a ventilator around......"

"Do you ever just get sick of it? I feel like we are stuck."

That is all.

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