Monday, May 21, 2012

ER and home, waiting

We ended up going to the ER yesterday evening, and good thing. His drain was infected.  They removed it and sent us home with a script for another antibiotic.  His fever went up overnight to 102.4... and then went down into the 99.5 range where it stayed all night without meds. Went to the Ped this AM and he was concerned about the cellulitis in the surgery site (as am i)... He's going to let the new antibiotic have a chance, but if he gets another fever in the next 24 hours we will be admitted for i.v. antibiotics.  His temp went down to normal this morning, but is in the mid 99's now. 

He has his first school case conference tomorrow (regardless of the fact i haven't been able to prepare at all for it!)  We got his reports this afternoon, and with what i've seen, he will qualify for multiple reasons, and will get extra PT and Speech at home, and OT hasn't come yet... Deaf/hard of hearing services will wait for an audiology screen, which, believe it or not, didn't get done since they requested it 14 days ago... been a little busy.  He'd get more sign language support if it shows a loss, which it may or may not. 

Well, i need to prepare for this massive meeting, so off i go. :)

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