Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Genetics, neuro, speech and orthotics, oh my!

Phew. Busy day. First neurology appointment went well... it was frustrating because it was insurance of all people demanding it, not a doc so i felt silly even going! The doc was great and thorough. He wants to run genetic tests, though, to be sure we're not missing something with Micahs many delays and issues. We had an amnio w/ him, but this will be much more thorough (it's a chromosomal microarray for those who that means anything...) Didn't seem he thought something was wrong, but wanted to be sure because things have been so complicated to date. And so we wait... So, instead of our first hour between appts, we went to the lab.. poor child has been stuck so many times in the last 5 days. 
 Speech got started late, but she was more than thrilled w/ the difference between pre and post surgery, he already is vocalizing in a wider range because his mouth can open. She was in giggle fits! :) That was great, and also, we got into the orthotist right after speech, instead of waiting an hour and a half! Score! Now we finally have our "georges", his SMO's. We'll see how that goes.
Long story short, long day...

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