Wednesday, May 23, 2012

i.e.p. madness

Well, the i.e.p. meeting was great and awful.  All at the same time. What they addressed, i was very happy about.  What they didn't address, though, was the most important thing... his medical plan.  Why didn't they address his medical plan?  They didn't have any information on his medical history.  Did they request it from the doctor? Did they ask me to have the documentation?  Did they have me sign a release of his medical records?  NO.  But honestly, the assistant director of Special Ed came to the house, and met Micah.  They had, in writing, a short medical history that i'd typed up.
They were evaluating him for "Other health impairment" (i.e. a medical/psychological condition that interferes w/ their education) 


Big shock, they couldn't rule on other health impairement, becuase they didn't have the information.  Despite the fact they had done all of the other fact checking they needed for the other issues, other than Deaf/Hard of Hearing, in which they requested an audiology screen in the 14 days between his eval and case conference.  Believe it or not, that didn't happen, but at least i was sort of warned.

In short, they didn't want to discuss it.  And of course, school ends in a week.

I was MORE than clear when the person came to the house that my primary concern, by FAR, was his health and safety (duh).

After a little discussion, it was clear that their plan was to informally train the para's (aide's) in the room to care for his trach.  On top of this, there's not even a nurse in.the.building.  Apparently they don't realize my child could stop breathing at any time, and that it's a HUGE liability to only have informally trained people around to deal with emergencies.  Not even a nurse in the building... this can not possibly make sense to them. And why one earth would a para take on that responsibility?  if something happened, it would be on them... and the school.

UGH. So, the services they did offer were great, speech 2x for 20 min, OT 1x for 20 min, PT 1x for 20, and really that's all they can offer, so that's great.  The teacher uses sign in the class, and they're ready and willing to support his use of sign, but also develop his verbal speech.

My goodness, this is ridiculous. 

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