Thursday, October 15, 2009

A first and a nice sleeping schedule

Micah tried out a swing today. The first time he wasn't very fond of it, but the second time he slept for HOURS. He's getting a good sleep schedule established with sleeping lots during the night and a good 3 hour nap in the afternoon. Woohoo, keep it up, Micah!

Here's some pictures! They are cell phone pictures, so please excuse the quality.


  1. Okay, so I assume that blue thingie in the top pic is attached to the trach? Does that stay attached as long as he has a trach? If so, how are you gonna keep those little hands from messing with it. Looks like it'd be a great toy since it'd never fall on the floor :) Good pics for a cell best pic so far is of our old barn. Baby swings are a definite "must have" if you want to eat your supper in peace. :) judek

  2. he looks so content in the swing! :) very cute!


  3. Love the swing! Keep up the good sleep schedule Mr. Micah -- your mom and dad will appreciate it greatly once you all get home :)

    Love, Aunt Joni
