Thursday, October 22, 2009

Great day for Micah

Micah had two of his therapies, and he did great. He is showing more strength in his neck, which is awesome. The speech therapists do taste with him (dipping their finger/pacifier in milk and letting him taste it). Normally it creates a lot of saliva he can't handle, but he did really well with him. The speech therapist did 2-3 times more tastes with him than she's done before. It was really encouraging! We are so grateful for the therapists and how great they are with Micah. We know we'll be hard pressed to find therapists that are so amazing. :)
We will be glad to get out of this town, but we will miss our nurses, doctors and therapists. They keep our nurses fairly consistent, and his nurses are such a blessing. We know Micah is in good hands.

Please pray for baby Ellie (her mom is Deanna who replies on the blog). She's in the hospital with the flu and a high fever. Her two brothers have been sick as well. I know they'd appreciate it.


  1. Yeah Micah!!!! Keep up the progress!!

    Hi Baby Micah, feel better and go home to IN soon.

  2. So glad to hear that Mr. Micah is doing so well with his therapies. Here's hoping that some day soon you all will be back home in Indiana.

    Love, Aunt Joni

  3. Good Going Big BOY!! We knew you can do it! LOVE YOU BUNCHES.
    Your Great-Grandma

  4. Yeah for Baby Micah. One day closer to home!
