Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Outgrowing my clothes!

Micah is finally outgrowing his clothes! Most babies don't stay in newborns for 7 weeks, but Micah has. Micah is doing great. The doctors are basically ready to send us home when we get nursing care. We were dealt a HUGE blow on that front when we found out our insurance doesn't cover home nursing care. We have to file through some state waiver program, that could take 45 days! Everyone is frustrated and trying to pull strings. We haven't found out what strings they can pull. Needless to say, we're having patience problems... As an old friend would say, I'll just have to put my patient pants on. They're trying to see where they can move us to locally, if we'll be stuck for awhile.
The speech therapist is starting to teach us sign language to use with Micah. They want him to start learning signs in case he won't tolerate a 'speaking' trach in the future. So far it's basic words like mom, dad, sleep, milk, diaper, etc.
Micah is being a very good boy! We basically take care of everything for him that we are allowed to. The nurse joked she felt useless because we have his care down pat!
We hope you are all doing well... try to stay away from the flu bugs out there.


  1. WOW! How Micah is growing and changing! In the pictures the hair looks more red all the time! Congratulations on learning how to care for him - no surprise. You are very dedicated parents. We'll pray for details to be worked out SOON so you can go home. Love, Miriam Z

    We know that God will find the way for you to tsake our big boy home.We miss you all!

  3. I am very sorry to hear about the insurance problems. You should try Hoosier Healthwise. You can actually use it as a supplemental insurance. It is what we did with Natalie when Potawotami's insurance changed.

  4. I thought the same thing - is Micah's hair getting more red or just the tint of the photos? He is such a doll - soooooooooo long!!!! i wonder where he gets that!! what size clothes do you think he needs now - especially since he's so long? i continue to pray that God opens the doors soon to get all three of you home soon. love ya, aunt cathy
