Monday, August 22, 2011

He got out of surgery about 5, and all moved in at about 6. They decided to put him in the ICU and keep him sedated all night. That was a good possibility all along.
He's stable and off the ventilator, but requiring oxygen. That's not too unusual since he's sedated, at least he did that last time.
The long story short is we have to wait and see what nerve function is left when he wakes up. They looked for an hour for the main branch of the facial nerve to no avail. It's an ugly part of this disease. The main part that was left was controlling his eyelid opening and closing... Probably needless to say that's a really, really important one to keep.
He's sleeping soundly now, all tucked in with all his tubes and wires. (Literally 6 of them total, wow!) Hopefully he'll get good sleep so I can sleep some. Oh, hospital sleeping, how I haven't missed you!

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