Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I think last thing I posted was about switching rooms... Since the sedation wore off we have had a really hard time controlling his pain. Morphine every two hours would work for about 45 minutes, then we'd be back to square one. Now he's got a cocktail of morphine, codiene and tylenol and he's finally resting for the first time in 6 or 7 hours. His heart rate is 110, and most of the day- even asleep- was 140-170. Normally when he's asleep he's 80-100.
We have what appears to be a super nurse that's on top of things. Probably helps there's only like 4 kids on the unit that holds like 10! We had a great nurse last night too. You really want the good nurses at night... We can manage during the day.
I'm so beat today, and am really hoping to get more than 45 minute blocks of sleep tonight! Pain meds alone will come in around every two to three hours, not to mention the stupid 4am CBC and his antibiotic. Hopefully the nurse will combine, combine combine!

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