Back to Cincy.. I say that with a deep sigh, kind of a "here we go again" feeling. We're headed back to Cincinnati Children's on December 10th (not sure if we'll leave the night before or stay the night after). It'll be fun to see people's reaction to see that Micah has grown over 2 pounds since we left, but I just don't want to hear what they have to say (barring a miracle, I suppose). He has a scope of his airway, it only takes a half hour. It comes with few risks, except the risk of general anesthesia. They'll be able to see how his trach is fitting, and how the malformation looks inside his airway. This will help them plan for the future surgeries.
Micah is doing well, adjusting quite well to being home. He's remained healthy which is a huge blessing! He's growing by leaps and bounds- he's now 10# 11 oz.
So if you're one of Micah's Cincinnati friends, let us know if you're working on the night of the 9th, the 10th, or the morning of the 11th.
Oh, I about forgot.. Micah is starting to crack little smiles. He's a pretty serious little man, but he smiles from time to time. They're real subtle, but it's fun to see his eyes light up and smile just a little bit. He's also trying to suck his thumb, but it usually ends up that he- A) chews his knuckle, B) chews his arm or C) pokes himself in the eye with his thumb. He's getting closer though! He doesn't really take a pacifier anymore, and the therapists want him to do something with this mouth, so yes, we're advocating thumb sucking!
First Steps (new therapists) came out and evaluated Micah... The whole meeting was summed up by one of them saying "How do you feel about having a lot of therapists coming by?" To which we replied, "Bring it on!". He will probably qualify for physical therapy and speech therapy, probably occupational therapy as well, but we'll see. Bring on the "girlfriends" (although we miss our Cincinnati girls a lot!)
Anyways.. we can't believe it's December already... Can you?