Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Looking ahead... trying not to look too far ahead.

We've got a time frame for the next round, nothing pinned down yet. Looks like it's a scope, with potential for tonsils and adenoids and what he calls a "tongue base reduction". Probably should figure out what that entails, but I can take a guess. Sounds awful though. Still hashing out whether the t ANd A (micAH LOVES pLAYING WITh the caps lock buttoN, IT LIGHTS UP WHEN IT's on). SORRY, whether the T &A will require a lengthy stay in Cincinnati. I've heard some airway families have to stay in town for a week and a half due to the bleeding risk (and no one would want to touch our kids airway). Obviously, that doesn't seem like the norm, but I have no idea what is normal anymore.

I gotta get a post up soon about Micah's feeding schedule, because I need some of you special needs mama's to HELP!

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