Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Two steps back?

Rough morning. Lately he's had issues keeping his first feeding of the morning down. It could be any number of issues, although probably nothing alarming. We're tweaking one thing at a time trying to figure out the problem.
Until... this morning I get a text from the nurse (it was my errand morning) that there's milk coming out of his trach.
A basic anatomy lesson... food goes down (and up) your esophagus, not your trachea. He aspirated everything as a baby, but has been cleared for everything for a long time. No signs of aspiration since he was an infant. Milk coming out of his trach... Dang. Of course I wasn't here to see it, but I have to trust she was right.
The conservative approach would say "do a swallow study, don't give him anything by mouth until we know what's going on" . The opposite would be to say (not that one is better than the other) "given his history of not aspirating in a long time, we'll call it a fluke and go back to what you were doing."
So, I think we're going to try to keep the puking to the minimum by slowing down feedings and watch any by mouth feedings carefully. He's not been doing well with them anyway since surgery. He's holding food in his mouth, which can be a sign of other problems.
Hopefully this random aspiration is a fluke. I'm concerned it was enough to actually cough out of his trach.... Not just a little suctioned out of his trach.
(Didn't I just say I thought things were going to slow down? I REALLY need to stop saying things like that!)

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